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Trademark Registration in Vietnam

Protect Your Intellectual Property with Trademark Registration in Vietnam

Our infographic succinctly outlines Vietnam’s trademark registration process, emphasizing protection steps, NOIP registration, document and fee requirements, and the advantages of early application to safeguard legal rights against piracy.
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What can you expect from this Infographic?

Vietnam’s trademark registration in 2024 simplifies the protection of intellectual property for businesses and individuals alike. This infographic delivers a detailed comparison of trademark services, guiding you through every step with precision and insight. Designed to support your branding efforts, it equips you with the knowledge to securely navigate legalities, ensuring your mark stands protected in the dynamic APAC market.

The infographic shall cover these attention points

  • How to register a trademark in Vietnam
  • Trademark application processing timeline
  • Validity of trademark certificate in Vietnam
  • Trademark registration procedure in Vietnam.

Let us simplify the process. Send us an inquiry.

If you are looking for a robust foundation to ensure the success of your business in the region,
please contact us here.
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