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Manufacturing Business in Southeast Asia

Guide to Setting up a Manufacturing Busines in Southeast Asia

By leveraging Singapore as your regional and financial headquarters and Vietnam as your manufacturing and operations hub, you can optimize costs, benefit from advanced financial systems, and access a large, skilled workforce.
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What can you expect from this Infographic?

Our infographic outlines the strategic advantages of setting up a manufacturing business in Southeast Asia. It highlights Vietnam’s economic growth, manufacturing sector, workforce, and free trade agreements, alongside Singapore’s robust financial systems and ease of doing business. The guide emphasizes leveraging Vietnam for R&D and manufacturing while using Singapore as a financial hub to optimize operations and costs.

The infographic shall cover these attention points

  • Vietnam’s manufacturing sector growth;
  • Singapore’s financial hub advantages;
  • Economic benefits of Southeast Asia setup;
  • R&D in Vietnam, finance in Singapore;
  • Daily flights between Singapore and Vietnam.

Let us simplify the process. Send us an inquiry.

If you are looking for a robust foundation to ensure the success of your business in the region,
please contact us here.
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