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vietnam negative list of industries guide

A Comprehensive Guide to Regulated Business Lines in Vietnam

Everything about the committed, conditional, and restricted business lines for foreigners in Vietnam.
Newsletter Form – Negative List Guide

What can you expect from this Guide?

Foreign investors looking to enter the Vietnamese market will find this guide invaluable, as it delves into the Negative List of Industries in Vietnam. As regulations in Vietnam can be complex and subject to change, this guide offers a detailed breakdown of committed, conditional, and restricted business lines, crucial for understanding the regulatory landscape, and ensuring that foreign investors know how to navigate these industry-specific restrictions effectively.

The guide shall cover these attention points

  • Overview of the Regulatory Environment
  • Limitation on Vietnam’s Market Access under WTO Commitments
  • Prohibited Industries & Occupations for Business
  • Vietnam’s Negative List of Market Access

Let us simplify the process. Send us an inquiry.

If you are looking for a robust foundation to ensure the success of your business in the region,
please contact us here.
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